Low Vehicle Down Payment

What is the lowest down payment I can make?
This is one of the most common questions we are asked! We base down payment on your budget and the vehicle you are interested in. These two things differ from customer to customer which is why there is no magic number. We speak with each customer about their specific situation and budget and work to find a low down payment, a payment, and a term that works for them on a vehicle by vehicle basis. Our short answer is... It depends!

Does my credit score affect my down payment amount?
We are a no credit check dealership, so the answer is NO! We understand that your credit history is not the whole story. We make financing decisions based on your income and ability to make payments and take it from there!

Do you offer deferred down payments and lay-away?
We understand that down payments are not always readily available which is why we offer deferred down payments and layaway options. Deferred down payments are offered on a specific, case-by-case basis. Lay-away is more readily available so if you have found the right car at the right price, but are missing just a little bit of your down payment, don't miss out! We will mark your vehicle as sold and remove it from the lot. If you are interested in using a tax refund as a down payment, Drive Now can help! Find out more about how to use your tax refund at Drive Now.

How can I determine how much I need for a down payment?
If you are considering buying a used car from Drive Now, we highly recommend you fill out our Pre-Qualification form. It only takes 2-3 minutes and will help you shop with confidence! After submission, we will contact you with your approval status and can further discuss your down payment and vehicle selections. We are a no credit check dealership. We base your approval on your ability to make your payments!

Low vehicle down payment

Drive Now Auto Credit

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Interested In A Car? Pre-Qualify Now!

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